10 Cool + New Apps on Google’s New OpenSocial




Author: Slide

APIs used:


Leave videos, edited images, and interactive notes on your friends’ walls.




Author: LabPixies Ltd.

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Share your feelings with your friends using this fun, social gadget.




Author: E-junkie

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E-junkie allows you to send and receive funds via Google Checkout and PayPal.



FotoFlexer Live

Author: FotoFlexer

APIs used:


Allows you to import images from popular online photo albums and edit pictures.



Visual Bookshelf

Author: Hungry Machine

APIs used:


Build a virtual bookshelf on your profile. Review books, see what your friends are reading and who else is reading a given book.




Author: Flixster

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Flixster allows you to rate and share movies with your friends.




Author: RockYou

APIs used:


Show the world how you’re feeling through Emote.



My Music

Author: Qloud

APIs used:


Play your iTunes music and create playlists.



Fan Site

Author: Protrade

APIs used:


Root for your favorite team with your friends and get the latest sports news.



Songs iLike

Author: iLike

APIs used:


Create playlists and listen to your friends’ songs on iLike.

Big ups to TheLabPixies for making kick ass widgets and social apps.

And for more examples of OpenSocial Apps check out:


Here is the Google OpenSocial developers Guide. Chock full of good stuff.


“Improvement to the Top Ad Placement Formula for Google Adwords”???

“Google Adwords is changing how high quality ads are selected for top positions above Google search results.

This is Google’s angle on why they are changing how our ads rank and how much we pay for the top spots. What this statement from Google actually translates into in laymens terms, is another method for them to to artificially raise our CPC ‘s for no apparent reason other than a whim.


To me, seems like just a ploy to trick the poor fools that will pay an already unreasonable amount in some industries, for the top 2 spots, into paying even more than they already do.

Seems like there is an internal campaign at Google to push everyones CPC up. I deal with 3 different reps for various accounts. Each one on a separate occasion in the last 2 weeks, gave me the same pitch about having to raise my CPC becuase of my Quality Score. ‘Oh”, I said to one of them, ” my Quality score is Great on those ad groups?” Her answer was quite amusing! She proceeded to tell me that the Quality Score on the interface is not the Quality Score they use in their Adwords algo. Obviously I was floored, and I asked her to elaborate, but of course she didn’t!

Anyways check out Google’s own words on this and tell me what you think!


Google gets slammed by Answers.com CEO for screwing up their traffic and revenue!

This is quite interesting!   Default provider of definitions linked from Google results pages, Answers.com, is slamming Google for the so called “Google Dance” Saying its arbitrary changes in its algorithim is causing their traffic to drop substantialy. It has affected them so much, their CEO is making public statments becuase there is speculation that tis drop in traffic on answers.com, substantially decreases their value.  Serious stuff! As much as I hate to say it, I smell a Google revolt coming soon , from the general population. Something like the MS revolt circa Windows 2000.


Matt Cutts You & A from SMX 2007

Although I’m a bit late I’m going to be posting alot of the postings and notes posted aroung from SMX. Today is MarketingPilgrim.com notes on Matt Cutts . It really is pretty good , at least its a chance to pick the brain of the SERPS Troll!



Google Launches Google Print (Beta) again?

Google Print was launched sometime ago with little fanfare, and a very clunky interface, focusing on magazines. It was a FLOP! Now, Google has made an attempt at reviving Google Print, with a sleek new interface thats much more usable and accessible. And a renewed focus on newspapers. Below are some screen shots of the latest interface. It literally has almost every newspaper in the US, From the L.A. Times to the New York Times to the Miami Herald and everything in between. Complete with demographic and circulation information on each paper. I can say from experience in print, that the rates are very competitive. In fact on some sizes, the Google rates were cheaper than the rates the Miami Herald was charging, for the exact same size and section. I’m sure the Miami Herald rep isn’t going to be happy!!!!

” Bad enough print sales are down due to that pesky online marketing, now they are  even taking the little business I have left!!! Dam you Goooooooogle!! Dam Youuuuu!”

Google even has a call reporting feature, which allows for tracking of calls in order to calculate accurate conversions and ROI. COOL!
